Friday, December 19, 2008

Being Tagged Was Fun!!!

I have been tagged wrote my sister."Tagged" is a new term for me in the computer language....but reading others I am finding it am giving a is quite a peep into different channels of my life and it has given me a new food to think on...or should I say "CRAMPS" to think?

My Oldest Memory....well, my Ma could never believe that her daughter has such an elephant memory. I was 3 years old...Ma and myself were at home...morning hours, so naturally it was a busy hour for my mother. I, while, playing with my dolls, just casually swallowed a small golden safety pin and that too at once pricked and me, the silly girl, started shrieking...thank God ! Ma was near by..she came to me cajoling, and seeing my wide open mouth and a golden glimmer inside my throat, perhaps her blood ran cold, but what happened after that I remember distinctly, she just plunged her fingers straight into my throat and pulled out the safety pin tearing my soft skin around...small I was, but I knew I had done some grave wrong, so instead of crying out I just put my small arms tightly around her, placing my head on her shoulders and she too hugged me tightly without a word,we both had tears in our eyes I could see it in my Ma... felt as if we both were consoling each other without a word....that hug that solace is still felt even after so many years. 

Ten Years ago---well, to think of that I have to jump from the 3 year old child of that day to the day I became a Naani for my first grandchild in USA, just ten years much more experienced and matured, still the role was the same, I was hugging my daugher tightly as a reward for having become a Mother....we both had tears in our eyes...tears of happiness and pride. 

My First Thought This Morning..."Thank God!! it was a dream!!!' and I do not have the courage to write it down and relive it again.

If You Built A Time-capsule What Would it Contain..
Me and time capsule, it makes me feel myself some big first I heard of time capsules was during Indira Gandhi's me putting things in a similar time capsule gives me an inflated pride. Giving thought to the idea i feel I will put in a diary of my best moments in life with all my dear and loved ones around me...and also add the bitter moments in another worn out page..crush it to the shape of a despised ball and stick it to the outer walls of the capsule and then feel relieved that time will do the needful to the page unwanted and the time capsule will hold the gold as in my diary.

This Year---well I turned 60 !! when my mother turned 60 my Father teased me saying 'Your Ma has become buddhee"....and it really touched a scary edge of my heart..but when I turned the same this year, my children made a big ho hulla of the was the first of its kind in my life.. for once I felt 60 is just the youth of old age as is said. Felt young all over again.

Fourteen Years from Now....need not sit to think on that thankfully...stars say I shall see it from Heaven..Of course, if I get it and not the burning cauldron of Hell as grannies told us we would reach if we told lies....which I as a child I often resorted to when I would take out jam and pickles from Grandma's pantry....Grandma should be forgiving me for that I am sure.

I complete my list...I have no one as such to tag along..but if you are reading it then you are tagged for sure. 


Thinking Cramps said...

What a clear memory, Chan didi. I loved the way you linked your description of Uma Pishi holding you with you holding your daughter!

Thank you for taking up the tag!

Now how about a post on Canada in the winters? I am sure your descriptive skills will paint a lovely, snowy picture for us!

Thinking Cramps said...

daroon chan!Ki ingreezi tor!Enjoyed reading it and gave me extra joy for reading it in Dubai.
Keep writing!learnt to insert comments from Little.


Thinking Cramps said...

Chan didi - Baba left a comment on your post using my ID. How come you can't see it? I can see it!

Anonymous said...

Thinking Cramps--
Sandip's comment entered my box after 2 days...I was relieved to get it and had written to him if pran baanchlo..thanks to you.